MMCC Performing Arts at Home: 8th Annual Do Tell! Storytelling Festival

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Over the past 8 years, Madison-Morgan Cultural Center has presented local, national, and internationally known tellers with the Do Tell! Storytelling Festival. As you may know, this year's festival has been canceled. Today, we present to you featured storytellers from this year's line up. Please enjoy these hand-crafted stories told by nationally-known tellers.


Barbara McBride-Smith live at the 2019 National Storytelling Festival

Please enjoy this colorful, funny, and, endearing story told by nationally known storyteller, Barbara McBride-Smith, live at the 2019 National Storytelling Festival.

A Walk to Remember | Antonio Rocha | TEDxDirigo

"Antonio Rocha (pronounced haw-sha) is an award winning internationally acclaimed storyteller. His unique fusion of mime and spoken word has been featured in premier venues in the United States, as well as at events in 15 other countries spanning 6 continents." -

In this TEDx talk, Antonia Rocha tells the story of an everyday experience, transports the audience into the complex emotion of receiving a racial micro-aggression, what he did then, and what he’d like to do differently.

Storyteller Dolores Hydock tells 'First Day of School'

"Dolores Hydock is an actress and story performer, whose work has been featured at a variety of concerts, festivals,  and special events throughout the U.S. She has been a featured storyteller at the National Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, Tennessee, has been Teller-in-Residence at Jonesborough's International Storytelling Center, and her twelve CDs of original stories have all received Resource Awards from Storytelling World Magazine." -

From her CD "In-Laws and Outlaws - Family Stories" Dolores Hydock shares a first day of school story, and wittingly revels the circle of life.

Maribel ~ Andy Offutt Irwin

Andy Offutt Irwin combines words, music, mouth noises, and more to create hilarious and heart-filled stories (learn more at

LSPA - ASF Carol Cain Elephants in Hogansville?

Carol Cain lights up the stage with her zany folktales, family stories, and award-winning historical monologues (learn more at


18th Annual Madison Chamber Music Festival: Ranky Tanky


MMCC Performing Arts at Home: 2020 Madison Chamber Music Festival