Brooklyn Rider - MMCC Performing Arts at Home

Photograph by Sarah Small

Photograph by Sarah Small

On May 11, 2014 Madison-Morgan Cultural Center presented a Mother's Day concert featuring Brooklyn Rider at Town 220. Today, we share a video featuring Brooklyn Rider performing live at WGBH’s Fraser Performance Studio in Boston in May of 2019.

Johnny Gandelsman, violin

Colin Jacobsen, violin

Nicholas Cords, viola

Michael Nicolas, cello

“They are four classical musicians performing with the energy of young rock stars jamming on their guitars, a Beethoven-goes-indie foray into making classical music accessible but also celebrating why it was good in the first place.” -Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

To learn more please visit:

Brooklyn Rider – Live at Fraser


Béla Fleck & Abigail Washburn: MMCC Performing Arts at Home


18th Annual Madison Chamber Music Festival: Ranky Tanky