It’s Our 20th Year and We’re Getting Ready for Another Great Antiques Show and Sale!
Experience the best in early American antiques and accessories at the 20th Annual Madison Antiques Show & Sale, May 20-22, at the Madison-Morgan Cultural Center’s Hall on Foster Street. Along with the Antiques Show & Sale, the three-day event includes a Preview Party and free lectures by experts in Georgia treasures and historic architecture. The Antiques Show is dependent on the generous support of our Host Committee Members and Sponsors. This year’s sponsors are Mannington Mills, Inc., and Rosie & Don Becker.
The Preview Party kicks off the Antiques Show and Sale from 6:00 to 9:00PM on Thursday, May 20th. Tickets to the Preview Party are $50 per person and include a reception (safe and socially distanced drinks and hors d’oeuvres), a first opportunity to buy this year’s antiques, and an opportunity to mingle with our expert dealers. Preview Party ticket holders may also attend the show on Friday and Saturday at no additional entry fee. Tickets to the Preview Party may be purchased online at HERE, by calling the Center at 706-342-4743, or at the door.
The Antiques Show & Sale continues May 21 & 22 with 22 dealers from 9 states displaying American antiques and accessories predominantly from the South. Items range from furniture and vintage linens to silver, pottery, and fine art. Tickets for Friday and Saturday are $10 per person and may be purchased at the door. All tickets include repeat admission to the show. Show times are 10:00AM to 5:00PM
Free lectures begin at 9:00AM on Friday and Saturday in MMCC’s Auditorium. Friday’s lecture titled; “Seek, and Ye Shall Find: Tales of the Hunt for Georgia Treasures” by Robert Reeves will be a presentation about some of his favorite objects with Georgia history of origin. Reeves has been a professional dealer of all kinds of art and historic objects for more than 30 years. Saturday’s lecture will be; “The Foster-Thomason House: An Insider’s View of Madison’s Tarnished Architectural Gem” by Joseph Smith. Joe Smith is a preservation architect with expertise in American architectural history and historic building materials. With 25 years in practice, Joe’s core specialty is the rehabilitation of buildings that normally would be considered “too far gone,” with special emphasis on vernacular and utilitarian architecture.
Free Lecture: Friday, May 21 at 9AM in MMCC’s Auditorium “Seek, and Ye Shall Find: Tales of the Hunt for Georgia Treasures” by Robert Reeves
Robert Reeves has been a professional dealer of all kinds of art and historic objects for more than 30 years. He is especially interested in the art of the American South from every era. Objects that he has handled now reside in several museums and many fine private collections.
Raised on a farm in rural Fayette County, Georgia, he later graduated from the University of Georgia. There he met his future wife Teresa, who is an artist, teacher and curator. They are proud parents of daughter Emily. Robert and Teresa moved from Atlanta to lovely Madison in late 2020 and are happy to live in this community.
His presentation will be about some of his favorite objects with Georgia history or origin.
Free Lecture: Saturday, May 22 at 9AM in MMCC’s Auditorium “The Foster-Thomason House: An Insider’s View of Madison’s Tarnished Architectural Gem” by Joseph Smith
Joe Smith is a preservation architect with expertise in American architectural history and historic building materials. With twenty-five years in practice, Joe’s core specialty is the rehabilitation of buildings that normally would be considered “too far gone,” with special emphasis on vernacular and utilitarian architecture. Joe first practiced in New York, where he focused on the rehabilitation of nineteenth-century brownstones. In 2005, Joe and his family relocated to Madison, and, in the years since, he has been the preservation architect for several dozen historic home and commercial building rehabilitations in town. In 2017, Joe co-founded Architectural Collaborative (Arcollab) with new partners Lori Bork Newcomer and Gabe Comstock, based in Athens, Georgia. Arcollab is a multidisciplinary design firm specializing in commercial, institutional, and residential construction in modern and traditional idioms, historic preservation, and interior design. Joe’s preservation work has received awards from the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation, the AIA Atlanta, and the AIA Georgia.
Joe received his AB in Design from Duke University and his Master of Architecture degree from the Yale School of Architecture. For fourteen years Joe served on the Madison Historic Preservation Commission and is currently a board member and past chair of the Georgia National Register Review Board. He also teaches the subjects of American architectural history and the conservation of historic building materials at the graduate level in the Heritage Preservation program at Georgia State University in Atlanta.
Proceeds from the Madison Antiques Show and Sale support programming at the Madison-Morgan Cultural Center, a non-profit multidisciplinary visual and performing arts center located in a restored 1895 Romanesque Revival school building in historic Madison, GA. Through the performing and visual arts, the Center serves a 17-county area and maintains an active membership base. The Cultural Center and the Hall on Foster Street are handicap accessible. The Cultural Center is located at 434 S. Main Street, Madison, with the Hall on Foster Street located directly behind the building. For further information, contact the Cultural Center at 706-342-4743 or visit our event page.
Rosie Becker, long time Antiques Show Sponsor and Paulette Long, Antiques Show Founder, stand proud amongst the wonderful Americana Antiques at the Madison Antiques Show & Sale.