Madison-Morgan Cultural Center Holds Annual Board Meeting & Announces Volunteer of the Year
Current and former trustees gather on the front steps of the Madison-Morgan Cultural Center following the 2022 Annual Meeting on July 18, 2022.
Current and former trustees of the Madison-Morgan Cultural Center, along with volunteers and other friends, gathered at the Cultural Center on Monday, July 18, 2022 for the Center’s Annual Meeting.
Board Chair David Burbach welcomed everyone and introduced newly-elected trustees Brian Collins and Zeb Grant. They will join the following current trustees: Lee Abney, Valle Ashley, Cheryl Bland, Kate Booker, David Burbach, Steve Briley, Kathryn Cardwell, Robyn Cook, Sally Hoge, Maghan Jefferson, Eric Joyce, Chris Lambert, Jan Manos, Brad Rice, Jane Stoner, and Jamie von Hanstein.
Former Cultural Center trustees were introduced, including Ruth Bracewell, Alla Campbell, Judy Gilbert, Lyn Hunt, Mary Jones, Betsy Morehouse, Steve Schaefer and Ellen Warren.
MMCC's 2022 Volunteer of the Year, Betsy Rose.
It was announced that the board has elected two new members to the Center’s Advisory Board - Stan DeJarnett and Frank Walsh. They will join the following current members of the Advisory Board: Lisa Hammett, Lyn Hunt, Betsy Morehouse, Dan Rather, Wayne Vason, Jamil Zainaldin, Madison Mayor Fred Perriman, and Morgan County Commission Chair Ben Riden.
Chair David Burbach reported on the first-year status of the four main goals of the current Strategic Plan, which showed a majority of the goals were met despite dealing with Covid.
Committee chairs reported on activities of the past year, as well as plans for the upcoming year. Jane Stoner announced a Membership Appreciation Day scheduled for August 20. Betsy Morehouse reported on the status of a new permanent exhibit, the Andrews Legacy Exhibit, which is scheduled to open in early 2023. Brad Rice’s report included the change in trustee terms from four years to three years. Eric Joyce announced the successful lighting of the front of the main building.
Betsy Rose was awarded a plaque as Volunteer of the Year for her unfailing assistance almost every time the doors opened for a program.
Officers for the coming year will be Chair – David Burbach, Vice-Chair – Eric Joyce, Secretary – Jamie von Hanstein, and Treasurer – Steve Briley.
Special guests at the annual meeting included Lyn Hunt, Chair of the Advisory Board, and Clare Wolfe and Teresa Bramlett Reeves, co-curators of the current Earth Bound exhibit.
Following the business meeting, trustees and guests adjourned to the Arts and Crafts Gallery for a reception.